Madre Tecla Relucenti (1704-1769)

The birth

Tecla Antonia Emidia nacque ad Ascoli Piceno il 23 settembre 1704


On the same day he was baptized in the Baptistery of the Cathedral – his parish – by Don Domenico Damiani; Mrs. Maria Diana Carozi was the patroness of her.

Confirmation and first Communion

On May 21st 1709 he received the sacrament of Confirmation and, as was customary, the first Communion by His Excellency Mons. Giovanni Jacobo Bonaventura. Zita Cecilia Morganti was her godmother.

The family

Tecla was the second child of Nicola Relucenti and Anna Bicondini. It had been preceded by Maria Francesca. They followed: Giuseppe Emidio who will become a priest, Domenico Bartolomeo who will become a Dominican religious and Rosa Felicia who will marry.

First memory of Tecla

In Ancarano, the Relucenti and Marcucci families had nearby country houses where they often found each other.

The first reports of Tecla with Francesco Antonio

Monsignor Francesco Antonio Marcucci, attests that from an early age he had heard very well about Tecla: he devoutly received the holy Sacraments and loved Mary Immaculate.

First mission to Appignano di Francesco Antonio

At the age of 20, Francesco Antonio received from the bishop permission to preach the first mission to Appignano.

In Tecla’s house he dresses as a Missionary

Although opposed to preaching at such a young age, Tecla granted Marcucci to wear the missionary garment in her home.

Return from the first mission

At the end of the mission, towards the evening, Francesco Antonio walked towards Ascoli and went straight to the home of Tecla to lay down his missionary clothes.

Tecla discourages Francesco Antonio

When Francesco Antonio received from God the intuition of founding the congregation, he immediately thought of Tecla as his collaborator, but she was decidedly against it.

Tecla relies on Marcucci

After about a year and a half, Tecla felt strongly inspired to place herself under the direction of the young Marcucci. He now deacon accepted it for his spiritual daughter.

Spiritual friendship

In 1739, on the occasion of the mission to Monteprandone, Tecla lent to the Founder his Crucifix, which he then brought to the congregation.

The miracle of St. Anthony

Deferred by the effort of preaching many missions, Francesco Antonio was hit by very strong rheumatic pains. On June 13th, Tecla advised him to get up when the procession of the saint passed. So he did and was healed.

A friend of Tecla for the new congregation

Tecla, now passionate about the ideal of Marcucci, introduces him to a new candidate, probably her friend, Dionisia Paci di Ascoli.

Preparations for the foundation

Received the permission of the bishop, November 23, 1744 for the opening of the Congregation, the first sisters were found in the home of Tecla to prepare for the event.

The beginning of the Congregation

On December 8, 1744, Tecla and her companions, dressed in the dress of the Pie Operaie of the Immaculate Conception, were welcomed and blessed by the founder in the church of Saints Vincent and Anastasius.

Entrance to the new residence

The first four Sisters entered the new house and the Founder handed the keys to Mother Tecla.

Tecla first superior

The founder, in the name of the bishop, appointed Mother Tecla superior to the life of the new Congregation.

The example of Mother Tecla

Don Marcucci committed all his resources of mind and heart to prepare the sisters to become teachers. Mother Tecla willingly underwent the study giving an example to the younger sisters.

Opening of the pia school

On March 6, 1745 the first female school of the city opened with great fervor of charity and joy of spirit.

The Sunday exhortations

On March 14, 1745, Sunday catechism began for all the students and women in the city who wanted it. The Founder entrusted this task to Mother Tecla.

Profession of Mother Tecla

On December 14, 1746, Mother Tecla and Giacoma Aloisi made religious profession in the hands of the Founder.

Professional autograph formula

Text recited by Mother Tecla on the occasion of her profession of poverty, chastity and obedience and perpetual permanence in the Congregation, countersigned by the Founder, by the witnesses and by the notary.

The Academy of the Immaculate Conception

To encourage the cultural formation of the sisters, the Founder established September 30, 1747, the Academy of the Immaculate Conception and elected Mother Tecla Prefect of the Academy.

Support of the first sisters

The nuns lived on the revenues of some land, the work of their hands and almsgiving.

Spiritual exercises

In 1758 the nuns began offering ten-day retreats to the pupils preparing for their first communion.

The death of Mother Tecla

On 11 July 1769 at 9 am Mother Tecla returned to the Father’s house, assisted by the Founder and by the sisters who loved her so much.

Latest recommendations

The last recommendations of Mother Tecla transcribed by the Founder.

Next to the Immaculate

Mother Tecla and the Founder praise and invoke thanks for us.