gations that are actively working
in the Archdiocese of Lipa. The
program of activities started at 8:00
A.M. with the registration of the
participants at the National Shrine
of Saint Padre Pio in Sto. Tomas, Ba-
tangas. Formal launching began with
the Public acknowledgement of va-
rious Religious Congregations, fol-
lowed by the Midday prayer, Holy
Hour, snacks, assembly, talk, com-
munal penitential rite, individual
confession and lunch. In the after-
noon we started at 1:00 P.M, with
the presentation of activities for the
year of the clergy and consecrated
persons, followed by the presenta-
tion of the summary of the Pastoral
Visitation, presentations of plans of
the Commission on prayer and pious
practices, reports from different mi-
nistries; on Faith Formation, Litur-
gy, Social Services, Stewardship, Fa-
mily, and Youth. We concluded with
the celebration of the Holy Mass
presided by our new Archbishop,
Most Rev. Gilbert A. Garcera. We
are also enriched by the homily of
his Emeritus Gaudencio Cardinal
Archbishop of Lipa, Most Rev. Gil-
bert A. Garcera, gave us an overview
of the theme of this year;
Servant Leaders for the New
The goal is towards
the integral renewal of the values,
mind-sets, behavior and life-styles of
the Clergy and Consecrated Persons.
Following the example of Jesus who
washed the feet of His disciples, we
are invited to become servant-leaders
who care most especially for the le-
ast, the lost and the last.
From there Archbishop Garcera
strongly reminded us that we are
Christians! We must do our supre-
me duty to proclaim Christ to tho-
se who do not know Him yet. If we
don’t do it, we are selfish. He added,
“This is the year of the new evan-
gelization, the new flame of heart
in proclaiming the gospel and new
ways of presenting Christ to the
people who are entrusted to us. To
help them understand the value of
our religious popularities. These
missions are being entrusted to the
lay leaders, family, the clergy and
consecrated persons.” His talk ended
with the quote from Robert K. Gre-
enleaf, “Good leaders must first be-
come good servants.”This quotation
is already shown to us by Jesus when
He washed the feet of His disciples.
In the communal penitential rite,
Rev. Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD, led us to
examine ourselves and reawaken our
awareness of our call. He said that
we are called not because of us but
in spite of us. God loves us uncondi-
tionally that He continue to trust us
and pour His graces to us.
All in all the activities are well plan-
ned and organized. We are all sati-
sfied and full of gratitude because we
were able to encounter Jesus who is
compassionate and merciful in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eu-
charist. In this year, let us focus our
prayer asking the Lord of the har-
vest to send us more holy vocations
in priestly and Religious life. Let us
pray that we may be truly renewed
servant leaders for the New Evange-
lization. To God be the honor and
glory! May Mary, our mentor and
model in serving His Son Jesus, in-
tercede for all of us.