Moreover, Sr.Ma. Adele Toccace-
li, POIC, through “Francesco An-
tonio Marcucci Scholarship Pro-
gram”(FAMSP) offered financial
assistance to girls who belong to a
poor family and are eager to pursue
their studies. This is so, to continue
the charism of our beloved founder,
Venerable Francesco Antonio Mar-
cucci, “... to admit to the Schools girls
of all conditions, i.e., nobles, non-no-
bles, poor and rich”(
III, cap.3
), also in view that the reci-
pients of FAMSP will attend series
of formation to deepen their know-
ledge about the life and charism of
Ven.Francesco Antonio Marcucci
through their membership in the
group of “Friends of Marcucci.”
Indeed, we are grateful to the Lord
for allowing SRAPS to progress in
the field of education through His
grace and through the tireless efforts
of its Faculty, Sr.Ma.Belinda G.Revi-
ta, POIC-Principal ,Sr.Ma.Viviana
C.Zamudio, POIC- Officer-in-Char-
ge, Sr.Marilyn G.Villa, POIC, Sr.Ma.
Emily F.Ejago, POIC and Sr.Maria
Victoria N.Perido, POIC-Teachers.
We encourage everyone to pray to
our Greatest Teacher, Jesus, that all
educators may keep the zeal, love
and joy in forming the minds and he-
arts of the children of God entrusted
to our care to alleviate them not only
from intellectual, social and material
poverty but more so from moral and
spiritual poverty, that, together with
them we, too, may be formed accor-
ding to the mind and heart of Jesus,
through Mary, our spiritual mother
and teacher.